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Fainting is the short loss of senses due to provisional alleviation of blood flow in the brain. Usually the recovery is complete and fast.

The cause of fainting can be a neuron reaction towards pain or fear or a result of sentimental excitation, exhaustion or lack of food. It is more frequent after big periods of inactivity of the body when the absence of muscular activity involves the concentration of big blood volume in under utmost, resulting in the reduction of available blood quantity for the remainder circulation.


- Pulse slow and weak
- Pallor

The aim is to place the sufferer so as to increase the flow of blood in the brain.

• If the sufferer feels instability place him/her to seat, help him/her bend in front with the head between the knees and consult him/her to take deep breaths.

• If the sufferer loses his/her senses but he/she breathes normal, lay him/her down with the legs up.

• Loosen the clothes that tighten the neck, the chest and the waist in order to help the circulation and breathing.

• Make air and place him/her in a current of clean air.

• Check if the sufferer was wounded during the fall.

• Check breathing and pulse

• When he/she regains consciousness, encourage the sufferer, do not give him/her anything to eat or drink, only a few sips of water.

• Ask the help of a doctor if you have any doubts.